Sessions are held via the online platform Zoom so you can have a session with Annalise wherever you are in the world.


Intuitive Counsel


Empower your journey towards unparalleled clarity and confidence. Harness the extraordinary potential within you to self-heal, evolve, and actualize your greatest aspirations. Step into a world where your boldest dreams become your living reality. Embark on this transformative journey, and create your future with confidence.

Step into a world of profound transformation with Annalise's healing sessions, where each moment is infused with the powerful guidance of Spirit. Our journey together will illuminate the hidden corners of your being, revealing both the obstacles you recognize and those lying beyond your conscious awareness. With Annalise's expert navigation, you'll embark on a path of deep healing, uncovering the roots of past and present blocks for a truly cathartic experience.

Armed with actionable insights and tailored strategies, you'll not only heal old wounds but also gain the clarity and strength needed to embrace the future with confidence. The journey promises more than just growth; it's a gateway to clarity, insight, and a profound sense of empowerment that will light your way forward.

The sessions are a conduit for wisdom from beyond, as ancestral guides and loved ones impart their timeless knowledge, directly connecting you to the lineage of love and strength that has paved your way. For those in the throes of creation or on the cusp of bringing a new vision to life, these sessions are invaluable. Spirit's wisdom will guide you, revealing the true expanse of your soul's ambition and merging your deepest dreams with reality to foster remarkable growth.

Join Annalise in this sacred space of healing to unlock the treasure trove of wisdom that lies within you. Discover the power of trusting your inner voice and stepping boldly into a life of active co-creation with the Universe. This is not just a healing journey; it's an awakening to the fullness of your potential, inviting you to live in harmony with your highest self.

1-hour session, your donation $177



Breathwork Healing


Embark on a transcendent journey to your most empowered self, where each breath is the key to unlocking a more sacred, conscious, and invigorating experience within. Dive deep into the essence of your being, where profound strength and clarity lie just beyond the horizon of your next breath. Discover the transformative power of intentional breathing, opening doors to inner realms filled with peace, power, and profound connection. Begin this journey, and awaken to the limitless potential that breathes within you.

Dive into the transformative power of breathwork, where profound emotional release meets personal revolution. Through the dynamic interplay of the heart's wisdom and the breath's energy, you're equipped to navigate and liberate yourself from the grips of grief, anxiety, depression, and anger. This practice isn't merely about emotional relief; it's a profound education for your mind, reshaping your emotional and mental landscapes to welcome love and abundance like never before.

Embarking on this journey might seem daunting at first—confronting the full spectrum of your emotions, and stepping towards the unknown. Yet, breathwork teaches us an invaluable lesson: liberation from our controlling minds and an intimate connection with our body is not a path to fear but to freedom and more love. By embracing our emotions without reservation, we decode their hidden messages, paving the way for trust and decisive action in our lives.

This practice is a sensory revolution, a physiological transformation that teaches us to trust in the breath's effortless guidance. Become a being of sensation, intuition, and deep knowing, leaving self-doubt behind. As you explore and embody new awareness, your personal evolution mirrors back in the world around you, heralding change in every aspect of your life. Embrace the journey with breathwork, and witness the unfolding of your true potential. The transformation awaits—experience it for yourself and watch your world transform.


  • Access to physical, mental, emotional, energetic healing and insight. 

  • Reach higher states of consciousness where profound realizations and “knowings” can occur

  • Dissolving mental and emotional blocks 

  • Heal unprocessed pain, fear, grief, and anger 

  • Correct restrictive breathing patterns 

  • Heal trauma, particularly childhood and ancestral 

  • Access one’s inner wisdom and intuition 

  • Soothe and strengthen the nervous system 

  • Increase clarity and focus 

  • Elevate consciousness 

  • Improve sleep

  • Promote digestion 

  • Reduce cravings and addictive patterns

  • Experience mystical states 

  • Get in touch with one’s spiritual essence

1:1 Breathwork session, your donation - $177

90-minute Couples Breathwork session:  Find clarity around challenges, release tension, and create deeper connections within your relationships. Your donation - $333

Ignite your life's purpose with transformative personal healing. Dive deep into the essence of who you are, fine-tuning your intuition and mastering the art of setting powerful energetic boundaries that will revolutionize your existence. Embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary, where you'll not only change the way you think but how you interact with the world. Step boldly into a new reality, living directly from the depth of your Soul. This is more than a transformation; it's a rebirth into a life of purpose, clarity, and unparalleled power. Join me, and redefine what's possible when you align with your truest self.

Discover the path to your true self with this 10-week coaching journey, intuitively designed to draw your mind and soul into sacred union nurturing the full expression of your essence and the vibrancy of your Soul. This intimate coaching experience offers a personalized one-on-one engagement, guiding you through a profound exploration of your inner landscape. Together, we'll uncover the layers that have held you back, bringing to light the unconscious drivers of your life and seamlessly integrating your Soul's deepest desires into your everyday existence.

Utilizing a dynamic blend of meditation, breathwork, enlightened dialogue, and the foundational truths of Natural Law, we'll journey to the nexus where the unseen energies of the quantum field intersect with the physical world. This intersection is where life-altering transformations occur, enabling breakthroughs in career growth, purpose discovery, emotional liberation, relationship enhancement, and the cultivation of a presence that is both fully aligned and deeply grounded.

Our shared mission is to deepen your connection with your Soul, rekindling a relationship with your innermost wisdom and strength. As we progress, you'll uncover a newfound sense of inner peace and accomplishment that radiates through every aspect of your life, reflecting the profound bond you've fostered with your Self.

If you're ready to embrace a life that's deeply connected to the wisdom of your Soul, click below to express your interest. Let's begin this transformative journey together, and I'll guide you through the steps to ignite a powerful, soul-infused existence.



Cancellation Policy:

Please email to cancel appointments as soon as you know you need to reschedule. I require at least 48 hours notice prior to your scheduled appointment time. All appointments missed or not cancelled within this time frame will be charged in full. This policy is to honor the time and energy it takes to prepare for all clients.